Laboratory Technician

A Laboratory Technician is a professional who is responsible for assisting with scientific research and experimentation in a laboratory or research setting. They typically work under the supervision of a scientist or researcher and are responsible for performing routine laboratory procedures, maintaining laboratory equipment, and assisting with data analysis.

Specific tasks and responsibilities of a Laboratory Technician may include:

  • Performing routine laboratory procedures such as preparing samples, running tests, and conducting experiments
  • Maintaining laboratory equipment, including troubleshooting and performing routine maintenance and calibration
  • Recording and analyzing data, and maintaining accurate laboratory records and databases
  • Following established protocols, safety procedures, and standard operating procedures
  • Assisting with the preparation of research papers and reports
  • Supervising other laboratory personnel such as laboratory assistants
  • Staying current on the latest developments in the field


The requirements for a Laboratory Technician position typically include an associate degree in a relevant field such as biology, chemistry, medical technology or related field, and some experience in a laboratory setting. Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work well in a team environment are also important. Additionally, knowledge of laboratory techniques, instruments and equipment, as well as safety protocols is important.

Career Opportunities

Laboratory Technicians may progress to higher-level roles such as senior laboratory technician or laboratory supervisor, or could pursue a career as research technician, quality control technician, or laboratory analyst, etc.

Other terms for this job-profile

Different job titles that could be used for Laboratory Technician include Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory Analyst, Research Technician, and Quality Control Technician.

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Congratulation, if you are educated in any kind of bio sciences. Your working area will be either in health, environment, energy, food production, nutrition or closely related to one of it. All of these are indispensable areas for human life. The future is in your hands.

written and edited by life-science Karriere Services

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2023-08-18T19:58:57+02:00February 27th, 2023|
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