Let’s collect various job opportunities beyond “science”

Graduated Bio Scientists gain access to a broad range of careers. There are many job opportunities beyond science but closely related to it.

Have you ever thought about job offers outside of science? You won’t believe what else you could do and nevertheless stay closely connected to science.

Some examples:

Scientific journalism – you stay up to date as you always have to report about the latest research results and about innovation. You get in touch with highly respected scientists. You will be invited to join scientific conferences.

Scientific sales representative – we all appreciate a profund advice when we are buying a complicate machine. Nevertheless sales suffers a poor image. A strong contrast to reality.
Sales representatives are in constant contact with scientists and research groups. They gain insight in many projects and institutions. Many of them can work very self determined. Of course they have to bring the results, but very often the way how they achieve it, is their own decision and responsibility.

Management – in a management job you rarely do research in a lab but you decide about matters concerning the lab and finally the researchers. It is an enormous advantage for both, when the management understands the challenges facing the scientists and when they can find a common view on topics. It is helpful for scientists, when decision makers and politicians understand their issues and recognice their value for humans, environment and business.

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